My Very Own Lith v1.01 Now Public!

Today’s the big day for the little update to MVOL! You can get all the info on what’s been going on and going into the update in my post over here, and you can download the new version from the menu on the left (or above on mobile I believe) as well as find the HTML5 version for online play.

Save Backups ended up sliding onto the back burner for a good while for the HTML5 version, but I’m happy to say we’re… almost ready to put it out there! Fingers crossed, we should be finally rolling it out tonight or tomorrow, as a few last minute issues popped up we need to polish up first. But if you don’t want to play on Flash anymore, that should be a big help with accessing your old files when it’s ready!

Thanks for reading!

16 thoughts on “My Very Own Lith v1.01 Now Public!”

    1. That version was actually made by a friend that was running it for me, as I don’t know how to do anything in html5 yet. But he’s been unavailable for some time and the html version has been kinda dipping in and out of functionality. I’ve left the link up for now just in case it comes back up because I know it’s the only option for people with iOS devices, but I’d always recommend using the downloaded swf with a projector program if at all possible.

    1. In the broadest sense, I always encourage folks to move away from iPhone since they actively try to restrict what you can do on your own device. Like look at adult content!

      But I’ve also managed to find and host a copy of the Mac Flash Projector on MVOL’s download page, so hopefully you should be able to play the SWF using that now?

  1. So im really bad at downloading and the like, is there a step by step or anyway i could get help on downloading the game? I use windows, if that helps. Love the game By the way!!

  2. I’m trying to download it and i have adobe flash player, and idk how to use it.
    Everytime i download MVOL it always appear as a paper note thing? like when i click it, it gives me options to open it in microsoft store, notepad, windows media player, and something called “word”? idk if this is supposed to happen and idk HOW to actually be able to play the game </3

    1. On the page for downloading MVOL I also link an Adobe Flash Projector program that should be pretty reliable. You should be able to open it and open the file through it, or drag the swf file into the projector program to open it directly.

      You should also be able to expand that dialog for what program to open it with and get an option to browse for a program. If you check “always use this” and browse to the flash projector, it should automatically use it every time you open that file.

  3. For some reason it doesn’t work on flash player tried to do the whole game now it doesn’t work, any ideas?

  4. I’ve been having a bit of an issue myself, i tried booting up the game as i usually do, with no change to the flash player or MVOL version, and yet all i recieve is a glitched screen with lith’s portrait being all kinds of warped and every button saying “Button 1 is a button”, it does confuse me and i”ve tried purging and reinstalling both the flash projector and game itself, i don’t know what to do :c

  5. Lither, this is my comment after finnaly deciding to play ( again )and finish “My Very Own Lith”, and i personnaly only have one thing to say… You DUMB F, HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO MAKE A GAME THAT MAKES ME FEEL SO BAD FOR A FICTIONAL CHARACTER? Everytime Lith got anywhere 10 happines, and i saw that her smile was gone,i actually had this huge sense of dread surging on me, like, it was as if she was right infront of me and actually feeling sad, i literally would do everything i could to make her smile, how did you did make such a good game, i swear, i will never forget this feeling of happiness whenever i see Lith smilling.
    I hope you live a happy life, this game has literally changed my view of a person all the way back when i first found this game, i genuinely thank you for making this game.

    1. Another few things i want to add after making this comment.
      I honestly, have never seen a history make me doubt my decisions so much, specially when Lith was split apart and i could not load a save, i was almost dying of dread at that point, just trying to pick a option was like taking a shot in the dark inside a cave, it felt like i was actually there, suffereing the consequences of my actions, it felt too real for me.
      This game has also been the game who has the record for making me almost cry all the time im playing it, be it beacause im happy or sad.
      Re-reading this reply im making actually makes me feel a bit dumb, i keep talking about this game like it changed my life ( i mean it kinda did ), but the thing is, i think i might have runned out of things to say about it, wich kinda dissapoints myself, i feel like i should have said MUCH more about this game, but i just can’t find the words for it, i guess i can just say this once more. Thank you so, SO much for making this game, i don’t think i could have become the person i am today without it, i don’t expect you to read this comment, but, if you do, i really appreaciate what you have done for me.

  6. Hi, I don’t wanna sound like an ass, I love the update you made on the game, I am just wondering how to implement my save file back onto the game cause I have some uhh emotional bonding with the character I guess

  7. Hey lith

    Thanks for the great game, really love the writing and character. Just leaving a small comment to ask if there ever might be a 64bit version of the APK as I have a Google Pixel 7 and while I like playing this game on the PC I’d love to be able to play it on the go. Anyway, keep up the great work and thanks again

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