I’m always happy to inspire folks with my work, and occasionally some of my fans have gone so far as to pay tribute directly with their own artistic creations. This isn’t an exhaustive collection, but I’ve picked out several pieces I thought were quite charming and wanted to share here.
If you’d like to submit your own work for consideration, or if your work is already here and I don’t have your name or you’d like it taken down, email me about it!
These works should be largely innocent, and not too spoiler-y.

Warning, the following work is explicitly sexual and should not be viewed by children.

Take note that the following work features content from late in the game and that if you haven’t played through to the end of My Very Own Lith, that experience may be damaged by seeing these ahead of time!
Facing Future by Yjlan
Over an hour of music composed as an opera walking through MVOL’s story, complete with partial sheet music!