Project Voice v0.01 Now Public!

Supporters got to play as much as a month ago, but Project Voice is finally rolling out to the public! You can read up on the first version and all my thoughts on what it’s supposed to be and what’s gone into it over in my big announcement post here, and you can now find the game available to play in the menu on the left (or above on mobile)!

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Project Voice v0.01: Late Night Debut

The first release for my new experimental side project is now available to Power Player level supporters, rolling out to Fan level in a couple weeks, and going public in a month!

It blows my mind that this release has taken this long. I’ve been telling myself Project Voice is just a small side project, something to drum out quickly to try out a few things, but it turned into such an endless procession of problems, challenges, and ever more editing that now I’m finally coming up for air, it seems at once ridiculous and only too real that it’s eaten this much of my time.

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Project Matchmaker v0.02: Some Small Resolution

The first prototype for this game was sort of a teaser more than anything. The game looked very bland, you got some character development, then it stopped just short of the actual sex. Boo! Well, with this update we can finally finish that scene, including three completely different versions of the sex scene depending on what kind of anatomy these newlyweds have had hidden away. Speaking of which, the art has been expanded with a couple states of undress to let you see what all they’ve got going on!

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Project Matchmaker v0.01: Fresh Faces

With the new release sequence, I’m not sure how best to handle announcing each new version I put out there. It used to be that I’d give high-level supporters a very bare bones explanation when they got the MMU two weeks ahead of the proper release, and I’d still be adding a lot of finishing touches up until the actual full release today. I felt kinda bad about giving them all this new content with so few specifics, takes some of the fun out of having early access I expect.

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MVOL v1.00: Every Ending is a Beginning

On January 28th, 2012, after a month of frantic work relearning how to program, I uploaded a very basic, cobbled together v0.01. Looking over that page, it was apparently an incredibly buggy mess, but also got a strong reaction from a lot of people. After that, I worked on the game in my spare time, releasing very slowly, but people asked for ways to support the game, so I opened a Paypal. Eventually they suggested a Patreon, so I opened one of those, and this… very gradually turned into a living for me.

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MVOL v0.90: Going into Beta!

Alright, this is it! With this update, the main storyline content is now complete, and all of the endings I have planned are now in the game. There are also just tons of changes and additions with this version, so I’ve got a lot to go over. I know some folks may be a little sick of hearing this by now, but one more time, the bulk of the new content for this update is hidden content. I’ve been thinking a lot on how I’d make sure people can find it, but the thing is, this is meant to be literally the most hidden, hardest to find content in the game, that you hopefully will only find after you’ve seen just about everything else.

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MVOL v0.44 is Live: Bump in the Night

I’ve been working on this update right up to the last minute so I’m a little wiped out, but I’m pretty proud of it. The big news for this one is that The Hidden Section is now complete! It got a pretty huge chunk of content with this update, and technically I could still go back and add a few last bits, but it’s at about 95% completed and has proper endings and everything. So that should be great news for the folks that like it, and the good news for those that don’t is that I’m just about done making any of that content from here out!

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