A Small Delay.

Hello, folks! In case you didn’t see the post over on my Patreon, I thought I should update those interested on the situation. Usually I try to maintain a pretty regular cycle with MVOL’s development, in which I release the new public version of the game on the first weekend of the release month (would’ve been next weekend), the advance version a week before that, and the pre-release Monthly Mini-Update a week before that.

But working on v0.42 has been a bigger challenge than usual, largely because this is, as I’ve mentioned, going to feature the Final Endings. As the final culmination of the story, I want to make sure I accomplish a lot of things with these endings, and out of an entire game that I’ve taken very seriously as a personal project, this is the part that I most want to make sure I do “right.” So it’s already turned out pretty big, and I’ve put a lot of pressure on myself to make it as good as I can.

But this has had some repercussions. I ended up burning myself out some, I’ve started getting headaches trying to focus too much, and I’ve eventually had to accept that, first, I won’t be able to complete all possible routes for this coming release, and second, I won’t be able to get it done in quite the normal amount of time.

This is disappointing to me, but in this context, I think it’s an acceptable compromise for the sake of getting this section “right,” or as close as I can. I did finally finish one full route and post the MMU to my Patreon yesterday. This means that the release schedule will be delayed by one week while I get all the other bits and pieces put together. Assuming no further problems, I’m expecting to release v0.42 to the public somewhere around the 14th.

I’m sorry to prolong your wait, I’m sure some among you have been excited to see how this story concludes. I hope that in the end, you’ll agree it was worth it. I didn’t make this post to ask for sympathy or forgiveness, though: I just wanted to make sure you guys know what’s going on, and why. Thank you for your patience, and thanks for reading!

3 thoughts on “A Small Delay.”

  1. Part of me wants to sigh and exclaim, “Oh, why’ve you done this”

    However, please take whatever time is necessary to give this game a proper ending. It has been years in the making and a flop ending would be a shame. I look forward to seeing what comes next.

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