Final Survey: Production and Patrons

I’ve been putting a lot of thought into exactly what I’m trying to accomplish with these surveys, especially this last one, and I finally feel like I’m ready to put it out there. I do hope to get a lot of new folks interested in my future games, people that maybe were turned off by some of my mistakes or some of MVOL’s shortcomings, so I have to keep that in mind in making my decisions for how to move forward, but it’s also very important to me to make sure that everyone that’s supported me and helped me get to this point still feels comfortable with how things work moving forward.

So today’s survey is pointed at understanding how the people that help make this project happen feel about how I should approach my work on the large scale, and how I interact with all of you! It’s a bit longer because it’s more specialized and covers a few things across the board there, but I hope that everyone that’s helping out or even interested in maybe helping out down the road will let me know what’s a good idea, and what maybe isn’t.

That said, this is the last step in a pretty long journey we’ve taken together, looking back on what we’ve accomplished and forward to what we could do! You can get a super quick summary of my thoughts on all that here, or go back to the very start for the full explanation. And what’s coming today is the fourth in a series of surveys! If by some chance you haven’t done the others already, I invite you to check them out first! They cover a pretty wide array of subjects:
1. My Very Own Lith Survey
2. Design Priorities Survey
3. Sexual Content Survey

Once you’ve read up and voted up, you’re all ready for the final step! I want to know how you feel I should approach my work from here on, in the largest sense! This survey is mainly aimed at supporters and anyone considering supporting, but I’m always open to feedback if these are questions you have opinions on.

Vote on the final survey HERE!

That wraps up the big bundle of ideas and questions I’ve been stewing on since… October last year?? Well, I started thinking on it much earlier, but it’s been growing more urgent and more scary with every passing day. I plan to promote the surveys one more time with the next release to get it out to as many people as I can, then once I’ve gotten all that data, it’ll be time to start making the hard choices! I’ll probably put together a post or two sharing some of the more interesting results I got from the survey once I feel like I’ve gotten most of the votes I’m gonna get, and we’ll probably start seeing some big changes around here not long after that.

Exciting times! If a little stressful. Change is hard, you know? But I hope my work can provide just a little help in these tough times, with everyone cooped up and feeling lonely. Thanks for helping make this happen, and thanks for helping me figure out what’s next!

8 thoughts on “Final Survey: Production and Patrons”

  1. Hello, I have a problem saving. I am on a android, but I would like to save and play at a later time. But for some reason saving on MVOL does not work. Could you please fix this?
    Thank you, a friend.

    1. I’m afraid I don’t know a lot about how Android does things, I’m using a borrowed package to convert Flash to work as an APK. Are you actually using the APK, or playing the SWF somehow? I haven’t had any issues with save files on the Android version, and I haven’t heard of anyone else having an issue.

      That said, there may be one solution available coming with the next release!

  2. Please offer an alternative to Patreon. I do not support their business practice and their suppression of expression. Even PayPal would be better.

    1. I’ll admit I’ve been pretty uneasy with how they’ve treated adult content, and if the results of the surveys are anything to go by, I do need an alternative for some of the content I may be getting into. I’ve been looking into SubscribeStar and plan to open up at least one option besides Patreon as part of the big overhaul as I transition to the new phase of development.

      1. Thank you. One of the major hurdles that prevents me from throwing money at creators I like without feeling like I am missing out is Patreon… You will surely attract at least a handful of new patrons, myself included, should you open shop on another service. SubscribeStar is about as close as you can get in terms of feature parity, and they have much nicer legalese too.

  3. Is There A Specific Deadline Date For The Survey? I Personally would like to go through everything and contribute that which I can, although I have not had the time. If There is a specific date for when the submissions end (or if there is not foreseen date) Please Let Myself (As well as others whom of which may possibly hold a similar inquiry) know when and if at all possible.

    Keep Up The Amazing Work! Lots Of Love. : ) .

    1. I was planning to pull the results and start crunching data right about now, actually! I’ve had some issues come up that have delayed things though, so if you want to make sure your voice is in there for the big decisions, you still have time but should probably get in there ASAP! But if you don’t make it in time, it’s not like I’ll close the surveys anytime soon or stop looking at the results that come in! They just won’t be part of the big aggregate data I’m planning to put together both to share the results and help me make my big decisions.

      1. Thank You For The Reply! I have very much so been looking forwards to filling out the surveys. I will take the time work on filling them out with my own selections, answers, and words/thoughts, to have them submitted (Within A 24-48 hour period at most), tomorrow.

        You should be incredibly proud of that which You have done (as I am sure You are). It is wonderful to see work that people have put Their energy, heart, soul, and love, into that which they create, and I personally feel that what You have created is something that is (in my eyes) truly beautiful.
        I have been following along With Yourself and have been playing MVOL for nearly a quarter-decade & I am really looking forwards to being a part in helping You make the big decisions for what is to come.

        I am looking forwards to going through, filling out, and submitting, the surveys!

        I hope that all is well! : ) !

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