PWO Hotfix – v0.02b!

I got a lot of feedback on the recent update, and usually I’d incorporate changes as needed into the next build, but in this case it sounds like a lot of players on Android were getting game crashes all the time, and adding an important adjustment would both give everyone a more enjoyable experience and enable those on their phones to actually play as much as they liked, so I’m updating v0.02 with a few small touches.

A lot of folks were frustrated with just how crowded things could get now, which is fair. The game is meant to work both as a one-on-one and as a crowd thing, or anywhere in between, and while I was excited to give everyone the chance to try out a big crazy experience, it was a little hard to go back to quieter occasions when desired. With this update I’ve added a new option in the Game Setup menu to let you choose how much you want to deal with multiple NPCs. You can disable it entirely, set it to a minimal level where you’ll only get a second guest if someone howls and it never goes above one page of NPCs, set it to maximum to get roughly the same experience as v0.02, or set it to the default for a more manageable mix of large and small groups.

There were also a lot of complaints about how “sticky” sex can be, which had been a point of some frustration in the original version but was much more of a problem dealing with large numbers of people. I’d hoped to hold off on messing with the AI too much and focus on building the new AI system instead, but that’s looking like it’s going to take a while, so for now I’ve made several tweaks to the AI to make sex easier to “escape,” especially post-orgasm.

I also fixed a few more bugs in the text output’s parsing of pronouns and such, hopefully that will hold things over until I can replace that system properly– which looks like it may be soon, indeed.

For now, I hope this helps more of you enjoy the game and experimenting with the new options available to you!

4 thoughts on “PWO Hotfix – v0.02b!”

  1. Hello, for Project Wild One (Mac version), I’m not sure what format it’s supposed to be in when I download it. Currently, after download, it looks like an application but it doesn’t seem to have the right format for my Mac to recognize it’s an application to have me go through the process of installing it. It’s just there and I can’t open the file.

    Thanks for your time!

    1. I don’t have a Mac to test on, so I’m not 100% on that, but the project’s download page does mention one known issue for Mac:

      “If you’re playing on Mac, you may need to use a third party zip extractor such as The Unarchiver. The built-in extractor has been found to corrupt the files.”

      Did you already do that?

  2. Hey lithier! I need to ask why didnt you put your games on I feel like if you put your games on this platform there will be more supporters and everyone can see your games because its a huge platform that indie creators use. I love your games and I found your games on a not-so-popular site but when I played your games I’ve seen the effort that you put in your games. But if you ask me the fan-base is kinda less than I was expecting. What do you say about this?

  3. hi, i would like to translate the game to portuguese, it would be very cool, i would like to make the game more and more famous.

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