This update has a wide variety of changes in it, so I’ve got a lot to cover. There are two new sections of content, the early game has been heavily revamped, a limited system for customizing your species is up and running, two new pieces of art are in there, and lots of little changes besides. Also, two big announcements!
Alright, this is it! With this update, the main storyline content is now complete, and all of the endings I have planned are now in the game. There are also just tons of changes and additions with this version, so I’ve got a lot to go over. I know some folks may be a little sick of hearing this by now, but one more time, the bulk of the new content for this update is hidden content. I’ve been thinking a lot on how I’d make sure people can find it, but the thing is, this is meant to be literally the most hidden, hardest to find content in the game, that you hopefully will only find after you’ve seen just about everything else.
I’ve been working on this update right up to the last minute so I’m a little wiped out, but I’m pretty proud of it. The big news for this one is that The Hidden Section is now complete! It got a pretty huge chunk of content with this update, and technically I could still go back and add a few last bits, but it’s at about 95% completed and has proper endings and everything. So that should be great news for the folks that like it, and the good news for those that don’t is that I’m just about done making any of that content from here out!
v0.42 brought us most of the Final Ending sequence, but I didn’t have time to do all the content for the other option on the big, first choice. You can now go either way! It’s gonna be a similar experience part of the way, then break off into a notably different thing after you’ve proven yourself. I’m sure some folks were disappointed they couldn’t make “the big choice” that was built up all that time as they wanted to.
This one is a whopper! We took a break from the main storyline to chase side content for a couple…
The new version has a lot of updates and additions in it, so let’s start with the big one! The hidden section from last update has gotten a large chunk of new content! I was very happy with the positive response I got to The Hidden Update, I’d been pretty worried about how people would take it given the starkly different nature of the material, and it’s true that some people have not been very comfortable with it…
Tons to talk about today! I have a wild mix of news about the new version. First off, the bad news: we left v0.39 with a bit of a cliffhanger, and no, The End is not in this update. As I often do, I’m pausing between sections of story content to add more side stuff. Sorry to keep you all in anticipation! If it’s any consolation, this extra time to listen to everyone’s feedback and thoughts so far and really think over what I want this ending to be and what I think everyone’s expecting has helped a lot with really refining my ideas for it into something I think we’ll all be happier with. Next, the alarming news: this update is another Weird One.